My Dad used to tell me “find something you love doing, and figure out how to make a living doing it.” He loved Chicago! He was very honored when he landed a position as the head of accounting for Public Works. His dream job in his beloved city! To him, it wasn’t work it was his passion.
He used to tell me that I should go into sales because I always had a way to help someone else or get what I wanted and to strategically sell them on the idea. Fast forward to today, and how KBK has gotten to where we are.
I’m Jan Beery and I’m the CEO and Founder of KBK Communications. My passion is that I love to help people, and through the years in the healthcare industry I have had plenty of opportunities to engage that passion. It wasn’t a surprise when we saw a need to attract the ever increasingly busy healthcare customer to a manufacturer, distributor, or service provider, and provide solutions to their problems.
There are over 3 million searches a minute! The opportunity to reach your customer 24/7 has increased dramatically. Couple that with the knowledge that over 75% of potential customers say they judge a company’s credibility based solely on its home page, and that this is likely their first introduction to your business, the online bricks and mortar of an organization becomes paramount to being successful. You need to be thinking about how you shape your customer’s experience from research to purchase.
Every brand has a story, and every customer has a pain point. How can you best help your target customer? Why would they choose you over your competitor(s)? What are you providing to help solve their problem?
We help you tell that story and the best path to focus on growth and how to get you there. KBK Communications already knows the healthcare industry, so we can easily hit the ground running. Our first step is to get to know your organization, your growth goals and function as an extension of your team. Next, we use our experience and expertise to develop a customized strategy.
We look at your team, sales, marketing, size, geographic target, your website, social media, your content, email marketing, your advertising, your distribution channels, lead generation, and opportunities for quick wins. Then we develop a plan for how to reach your goals.
A plan from KBK Communications may include:
KBK Communications helps manufacturers, service providers, and distributors in the healthcare supply chain grow their businesses through digital sales and marketing strategies. We are a digital sales and marketing agency focused on the healthcare supply chain.
We focus on growth and how to get you there.