In early March, we had the pleasure of attending the HIDA Executive Conference, in Dallas. If you’re your not familiar with HIDA, and you're in the health care industry, you should get to know them. They provide education, health reform updates, industry representation in Washington, and the list goes on.
I always look forward to this meeting for a number of reasons. When we go, we all have a number of meetings set-up in between sessions. It’s kind of like industry speed dating. We go from meeting to meeting, then we have some serious socializing going on. Suffice to say, at the end of the three day event, we all go home very quiet, (some recovering from over-socializing).
What I found interesting this year was the chatter about social media. Everyone was talking about it on some level.
KBK’s meetings were centered around social media, yes, however, we explained it more as a tool, along with some others that will help generate leads to your website. We discussed the utilization of Inbound Marketing and how we use social media in gaining a presence, credibility, and becoming a resource to generate leads.
Beckers recently shared a post titled: Hospital Social Media Grows Up. Health care as a whole is opening its eyes more and more to the idea of using this medium as a quantifiable means of gaining market share.
Think of social media as an umbrella with a multitude of tools that will help you capture that presence, measurable ROI and trackable results you're looking for. Inbound Marketing, again, is the loop closer. We’ve had such exciting success utilizing this strategy (i.e. over 500% increase in lead generation by the 4th month), it's worth making it a part of your plan, moving forward.