When you create something, you create it for you...most likely without even realizing it. You solve the problem that YOU see, which may be completely different from the problem your customer is actually experiencing. What someone may think is an amazing solution, to someone else may seem...just alright...or even worse. For example, take a look at the recent Instagram update that lasted all of two seconds. What developers thought would make the platform better sparked utter outrage from users. This disconnect makes it hard to compete, especially when you want to make somebody really love your work and if you want them to choose your business over your competition.
Whether you are creating a website, writing blogs, or even building your business’s social presence (like Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook), it can be hard to figure out how to make it pop out to other people, not just you. So the question is, how exactly do you do that? We suggest developing buyer personas. Buyer personas force you to delve into the who your target customer truly is. What do they like? What problems do they experience? They help you to realize, it’s not about you. It’s all about them, your customers. You don’t want to be your only customer.
Sound like a lot of work? I’m not going to lie, it is. Don’t want to stay on top of it, because you’re too busy? That will come back and bite you. In today's digital world, your customers are savvier than ever-- they're able to talk about their experiences in an incredibly public forum (the internet).
What are you waiting for? Download the free KBK Communications resource on how to build a digital marketing team or contact us today to schedule a 15-minute consultation.