Happy Holidays to all!
Last Friday, Professional Women In Healthcare hosted a Coffee Chat focused on giving back.
We invited PWH Member, Jackie Jones, to share with us how she finds the time, energy and interest to give back.
First of all, Jackie is one of the kindest, most positive people you’ll ever meet. When I met Jackie, a number of years ago at a PWH board meeting, she was smiling, approachable, and helpful. All while fighting the biggest battle of her life. Jackie was battling breast cancer. The only way I knew this was:
To observe Jackie was and still is fascinating and inspirational. She always has a smile and focuses on whomever she is talking to. Back then, her eyes were tired, and I could see how hard her body was fighting this horrible disease. Yet Jackie, continued to give back.
For the record, she fought and won. Jackie has now been cancer-free for quite some time.
When we talked to her on the Coffee Chat, she shared her involvement with Gilda’s Club. Gilda’s Club was such a support to her and her family while she was battling breast cancer. To support those who are struggling with a disease she understands first-hand, is now one of her passions.
One of the other inspirational things about Jackie is her ability to challenge herself and go outside her comfort zone, to give back. Her desire to help others has brought her to get involved with a Habitat for Humanity project, one which she says was not her talent area. Nonetheless, she put herself out there and did what Jackie does best. All in!
With all that she has been involved with whether through NDC, her employer (who encourages their employees to give back by providing 2 days of PTO per year to volunteer, and donates a monetary amount to that charity in the employee's name) her church, or Guilda’s Club...she’s a giver.
We all have the ability to to give back and help our fellow man. So in the spirit of the season, I’ve chosen to share a couple of organizations I think are pretty special.
I pray that all of you will find where you feel lead to give back. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Image courtesy of Michael Kappel