The change came down to one very important factor: whether your website, landing pages, and blog would be fully optimized for mobile.
Knowing this bit of information gave marketers, web teams, and companies time to figure out how to make sure their websites were buttoned up when it was rolled out.
Going into this update we knew Google would approve and give advantage to sites that look good on smartphone screens, and penalize sites with content that was too wide for a phone screen and text and links that are too small to read.
So, now that it has rolled out, what are the effects that it has had?
Many companies who blogged or wrote about the update were positioning this as a huge change that would effect your website. I feel though that they may or have left out some very important facts:
According to Google's official blog, this update:
What we can decifer from this, is that while the alogrithm update did in-fact have an impact on website rankings, the information above in my opinion isn't as significant as we first thought. Even with my findings of analyzing some website data for sites that did not optimize for mobile, the backlash to date has been minimal. Now, I do believe that by 2015 all websites should have a mobile friendly version or just go full on responsive, I think that Google's announcement got everyone into a tail spin, that while it got the conversation going, was not nesscessary.