The No.1 Key to Inbound Marketing Success
So often we find that clients want to have content created to just get the message out about their particular product line. Unfortunately, they do not realize that this material is appropriate for prospective customers that have already made their purchasing decision. This is what is referred to as “bottom of the funnel” (BOF) content and is specifically designed to provide additional information to those prospective customers that need to be reassured of their decision or to provide particular ordering information.
What about all of those potential customers that are not yet ready to make that final purchase commitment?
This is where the “top of funnel” (TOF) and “middle of funnel” (MOF) content material is so important. This is where your prospects are on their buyer’s journey and why a broad understanding of the issues confronting your prospect is so important. This 2017 B2B Buyers Survey Report noted that 93% of the respondents valued vendors that demonstrated experience with, and knowledge of, their industry. In addition, “75% said it was very important that the site presented relevant content that spoke directly to their company“ and “66% said it was very important that the website spoke directly to the needs of their industry and the solution provider showed expertise in their area.”
Your prospective customer wants to work with (buy from) someone who they can trust and who understands their industry and the particular issues that they face every day. You first have to demonstrate that you know that industry and the issues they are dealing with. Only then can they feel safe to buy from you.
Sales Funnel Levels
There are three levels, or areas, in the sales funnel.
- Top of Funnel - The broad upper part designed to create awareness. This is where that prospective customer is looking to find answers to a problem, a pain point, or a specific issue. The success of content material at this level is based on an intriguing title and meta description, for good search engine optimization (SEO), supported by valuable and pertinent information to effectively address a specific issue. It is problem oriented, instructional and educational. This is where you can show that you know the industry and its associated issues.
- Middle of Funnel - The smaller diameter middle portion designed to promote consideration. The content material here still needs to be instructive and educational, but can introduce your product as a possible solution to the problem that you know exists because you know the industry and the issues involved. Here is where you give your prospect even more reason to trust you as an authoritative source by referencing various research articles, surveys and studies that support your position.
- Bottom of Funnel - The smallest lower portion that leads to closure. Here is where you can get a bit “salesy” by showing how your particular product can provide the solution to the issue(s) you have already presented.
Just remember, the top of funnel material is where you cast the broad net to attract attention and generate awareness by addressing issues of interest; the middle of funnel material is for promoting consideration of your product as a possible solution, and the bottom of funnel is reserved for demonstrating how your product is the best solution.
Content Strategy
Here is where we let the cat out of the bag. When developing your content strategy, plan to have four to six blogs addressing a particular issue or issues which your particular product is best suited to address. If you want six blogs, make three of them TOF, two MOF and one BOF. If you want to do four blogs, make two TOF, one MOF and one BOF.
Here is the kicker for this TOF blog. You will note that I have not referenced our company one time so far. However, if you would like to learn more about the buyer’s journey feel free to click here and here. For more information on creating effective content, click here and here. AND, if you would like to learn more about KBK Communications and how we can help you with your inbound marketing functions, contact us here.