While being with family is so much fun, I started noticing how our entire family is living and interacting online. Sure, we watched the traditional holiday movies, even then, there was texting and Facebook checking happening.
It was when I noticed that even my 23 month old grandson was working the iPad like it was his job, that I realized we had become an ONLINE FAMILY!
Texting: We all texted with each other to coordinate our time, while also having long conversations with each other on the phone, before we had even gotten together.
Socializing: We would post and comment on pictures and funny stories on Facebook, we even chatted with other friends and family we couldn’t be with.
Online Meetings: We conducted business over the holidays, even with trying to fit in some time off. All virtually, collaborating with our global team.
Researching: We researched and shopped for the vast majority of perfectly selected Christmas gifts, and had them shipped without ever leaving the comfort of our offices and homes. We looked up recipes, directions, reviews, how to assemble toys, and even instructions for repairing the snow blower.
Cloud Sharing: We shared pictures with family and friends in real time.
Face timing: We even got to see our newest grandbaby, smiling and cooing in his holiday outfit, from the East Coast!
I’m able and expect to have instant answers, with a search bar and a mouse. What does this mean for 2014 and beyond?
It means we’re all on the same level playing field. It means you need to be engaged online more than anywhere else. Sure those live conversations are important. The point is, you’ll shorten your selling cycle online.
We can share content that solves problems.
We can educate on a global level.
We can provide immediate answers.
We can reach a target audience to grow our businesses.
It means your future business growth depends heavily on selling effectively with your online behaviors.
With every one of our clients, we implement and manage programs centered around content marketing and inbound strategies. Why? Because we want you to be a company that provides solutions, is relevant, and grows your business with sustainable behaviors.
Wherever you are in the process of learning more about how to grow your business, do your research, ask questions, and feel free to reach out to KBK. We’ll help you live online with your business, and increase your growth opportunities.
Jan Beery is President here at KBK Communications, where she leads her team as they help their clients manage inbound and outbound marketing strategies. Prior to founding KBK Communications, Jan spent 25+ years in the Healthcare field, on the Medical Manufacturing side. You can connect with Jan on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google Plus, or read more of her posts on KBK Communications’ blog.