Your clients like you, but are they your biggest fans? Do they actively advocate for your brand? Are your clients sharing their satisfaction with their peers in the healthcare field?
It costs businesses anywhere from 5x to 25x more to bring in new customers than keep existing customers. In other words, it pays to ensure that your customers aren’t just satisfied, but downright delighted.
When people feel deeply connected to your company, they begin to treat you like a friend: They look you up on social media, chat with you on your website, and turn to you in a time of need for advice and information. When others need a recommendation, they volunteer your name.
Let’s look at how your company can develop repeat business by nurturing leads to become enthusiastic brand advocates.
What Exactly is a Brand Advocate?
Also called brand ambassadors, influencers, or promoters, brand advocates are people who talk about your company in a positive light. Sometimes they’re actually paid endorsers, but more casually they’re simply your best customers who enjoy talking about their favorite brands.
What does this person see? Are they hearing cheerful, upbeat greetings from your sales reps? Do they get questions about your products answered quickly and to their satisfaction? If there’s an issue with a product, is it dealt with immediately and with professionalism? During and after their experience, what words would they use to describe the customer journey?
Happy brand advocates have high customer satisfaction. They tell positive stories about your business, both in person and online. They tend to use words like:
- Helpful
- Friendly
- Trustworthy
- Loyal
- Easy
- Worth it
- Recommended
Advocates and Lead Nurturing
Brand advocates can help your company turn new leads into satisfied customers. They reinforce buying behavior and make other people in the same social circle feel more deeply invested in a long-term relationship with you.
Here are some ways you can nurture these new leads into becoming repeat customers:
- Actively connect with them on social media
- Share helpful blog posts and newsletters
- Develop landing pages tailored to their needs
- Contact them for testimonials and success stories
Every customer is a potential brand advocate. Treat them right and you’ll have an army of unpaid marketers spreading positive word-of-mouth about your business.
To learn more about lead nurturing and conversion for healthcare companies, connect with KBK Communications or download our free healthcare marketing guide.