Last year my friend, Gini Dietrich put out a challenge to list as many things we’re grateful for in 10 minutes. Last year, I made it to 88. Much has happened in the past year, a lot of good stuff, sad stuff, and a few challenges along the way. Life kind of runs that way, but the blessings are way outnumbering the bumps in the road.
Here we go… Blessings 2014:
God and the constant reminders that you’re in control.
My Faith to carry me through the challenging times.
My Church where I feel safe, and refueled.
Pastor Tim, for making me laugh about the obvious stuff in life that could weigh us down.
My Husband, Papa, Painter, MacGyver and Chief Maintenance Engineer at Beery Central.
My 88 year old Mom, the strongest inspiration for doing what you put your mind to.
Finnegan for bringing love back in our home, now all 75 lbs of him.
Sampson, who we lost this year, miss him every day, for his constant unconditional love.
Kevin, for being recognized as officer of the year, and sharing his love for my youngest grandson, and J-Bug.
Katie, for going for her goals and making it happen, and pushing me to make changes I didn’t think, I wanted to do.
Brendan, for being promoted, loving my grandsons, and loving Teddi girl.
Teddi, for being a Social Media Manager RockSTAR, and the only women I’ve ever known who gives birth, and posts a pic with her newborn with the caption, “piece of cake.”
St. Jeanette, for Facetime with our Liam, crazy dancing, and loving wine and chocolate drizzle popcorn.
Matt aka "FSIL", for always making me laugh, and painting our ceiling, even when you’d rather be watching sports.
My grandsons, up to 3 with #4 on deck, the loves of my life who remind me why I needed to survive the teen years, with their fathers.
Jameson, for being my first grandson, and the first one to call me Grammie.
Mason, my number 2 grandson, a party waiting to happen, with a smile and a big ole baby kiss.
Liam, my number 3 grandson, who’s crinkle nose smile would melt anyone. He will be a super hero someday.
Settler’s Croft Book Club, where the book is talked about for about a second, and the girl time/wine time is priceless.
Mike and Barb, best neighbors ever! My sister from another mother, is the most generous woman around.
My small group, whose love and support fill me up.
Colleen Meeks, my niece who is the most amazing creative writer, mother, and friend.
Bonnie Branch, my niece who loves being a mom, and shows it. A sweetheart, a friend, and my fellow smoothie buddy.
Warm weather, for the love of Jesus!
Cold weather when I’m in a warm house.
Nicole Hoglund, who tells me when I’m scaring her, and has brought a new perspective and talent to the KBK team.
Jessica McKinzie, for being an amazing support to us, and for getting me a sweatshirt, when my Swag was was stolen at Inbound.
Brenda Buschmann Manchester, my second cousin who feels more like a first, and makes cookies that rival Martha Stewart.
Lisa Christensen, my friend, my accountability partner, one of the sweetest hospitality rich people I know.
Nancy Brynteson, for her big heart, and loving support. She’ll be honest whether I want to hear it or not.
Bob Brynteson, for your talented woodwork that will be enjoyed by our family for years to come. Our tables are amazing!
PWH, my industry family for 10 years of support and encouragement.
Pam Wedow, one of my cheerleaders, who’s friendship is one of my safe places.
Janis Dezso, for being a friend who inspires me to never give up.
Jessica McKeever, who has brought great ideas, energy and inspiration to PWH.
Cindy Juhas, who I can always count on to be truthful, and say the things I may not want to hear, but who’s laugh always makes me happy. You inspire me to keep going, always.
Gini Dietrich, for the #GratefulChallenge.
Ramona for comic relief, Pug style.
Thomas the Train, for making my grandson’s happy.
Baby kisses, ummmm always!
Butterfly kisses, second best to baby kisses.
Strider bikes, for making my grandson happy, and making us laugh.
Janet Severt, for supporting me when I was grieving Sampson, and bringing us Finnegan.
Smoothies, that bring healthy food to me quickly, and bonding time with my grandsons,
Phyto B, for keeping my hormones in check because I don’t know what the heck is happening to my body.
Yoga, which helps me deal with #44.
Reading, nuff said.
Airplanes, for making Jameson more excited then I could ever imagine.
Susan LaPlante Dube, for being an amazing friend, cyber drinking, and talking me off the ledge, when I was convinced I was in over my head. (You’ll still need to do that periodically)
Maureen Condon, my other cyber wine friend, and more supportive than you realize. Your friendship and encouragement has touched me right when I needed it.
Mark Beran, whose honesty, and closed mouth, closed eyes nod, can be felt through the phone, when he’s telling me something I’d rather not hear. You push me to be better at what I do.
Lara Nusbaum, my shovel friend. Who doesn’t need one of those?! Your friendship, I cherish. I’m grateful God has blessed you with Baby Nusbaum in 2015!!!
Sue Rozer, my long time friend who, once a week, lets God use her to touch so many people, including me.
Baby dancing, I LIVE for baby dancing!
Belly laughing, who doesn’t feel so much better after a good belly laugh.
Road trips to see grand babies.
Florida in the winter.
The beach in Edgewater.
The beach in Florida.
The desire to move to the beach!
The country we live in.
Our Veterans, including my sons for stepping up and protecting all that we have.
Our Active Duty Military, including my son, for continuing to serve and protect us all.
Friends who post content that inspires us to do better, live better, and express our gratitude.
There you have it. I didn’t beat my list last year because I had a lot to say. I’d encourage you to make your own list. It’s a great feeling when you look back at the list, and realize how incredibly blessed you are.
Thank you, Gini
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone
Jan Beery is President here at KBK Communications, where she leads her team as they help their clients manage inbound and outbound marketing strategies. Prior to founding KBK Communications, Jan spent 25+ years in the Healthcare field, on the Medical Manufacturing side. You can connect with Jan on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google Plus, or read more of her posts on KBK Communications’ blog.